Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Feminine Way of Manifesting

More and more, women are being tapped for prominent positions in politics, government and business.  In the last six months,  GM appointed their first female CEO,  following the lead of PepsiCo,  IBM, HP,  and DuPont, who all have women at the helm as CEO.    And of course the appointment of Janet Helm as first female chair of Federal Reserve leaves no choice but to
acknowledge that the energy of feminine leadership is rising.
We’ve come a long way and there’s still a lot of distance to cover – especially as we raise a new generation of strong and powerful young women to embody their own empowerment.

A recent survey of over 66,000 people worldwide concluded two thirds feel the world would be a better place if men thought more like women. This marks a global trend away from the winner-takes-all, masculine approach to getting things done. 

It seems that women are tired of the masculine, overachieving model of pushing, making it happen and of never being satisfied with what’s been accomplished, and that dissatisfaction is global.   

I know it doesn’t always feel like you’re that beautiful, creative, deeply connected woman that you really are.  It’s easy to forget what that feels like, and to be  swayed by what other people think is right for us.   I’ve totally been there. 

I got caught up in believing I had to perform using male energy; pushing, forcing, and “making it happen.” But the more I did those things, the less I manifested and the unhappier I became.

Over the last year or so, I’ve been  on a deep journey.  I was so tired of doing things the hard way.  I longed to rest in the ease and flow, and really learn how women create from that state of surrender.   Out of that I reconnected with the way that women manifest.   See,   I didn’t truly understand the power of female energy.   Somewhere along the way I was brainwashed into believing that the other way was better. I thought if I just tried harder and worked more, then IT would happen. I would be happier, richer, and more joyful if I could just get THERE. 

I knew that I was powerful but I didn’t know how to allow it to flow and deeply rely on my intuition.

Current business climate does NOT support using our gifts,  or show us how to use our gifts, but once you tap into them, NOTHING will stop you. Your life will move and flow with ease and more bliss..  

Once I embraced my feminine gifts and embodied them,  my work and my life felt like it was more on course; synchronicities appeared, opportunities came along, and it was easy.

And more importantly, this feminine way of creating is exactly the process that is used in decision making.  It’s the map of HOW leaders can make collaborative,  inclusive decisions that express  flexibility, empathy and cooperativeness.  (Traits that are listed as feminine leadership traits in the above mentioned study)

That’s the beauty of the feminine – ease and flow.  In my opinion, there are two ways to manifest or bring something into fruition.   One is through a descending flow of energy, and one is an ascending flow of energy. 

Men manifest using a descending flow,  from the 7th chakra down to the first.   This is also what most of the “intentional” and “think about it and create it” work is based on.   It goes like this: You have an idea, and you speak it out loud.  You write your affirmations and make sure you feel aligned with them – they resonate.  Then you take an inspired action and (in a perfect world,  given no unresolved blocks)  you create something.  It’s a descending flow of energy from the top down,  and it works.   I’ve done it many times, but what I noticed is that I always had to keep priming the pump to sustain the results.   Maintaining the experience relied heavily on the investment of my personal energy. 

The feminine manifests in an ascending flow of energy – from the first chakra up.  You know how this feels – you have a feeling  that something needs to change or that you’d like to create something.   It starts in the lower body area, the second chakra/hara/womb/lower dantien  - whatever  you call it based on your way of looking at things.   As you evaluate the idea,  you decide if you have enough personal energy to embrace it now,  and decide if you can really put your heart into it.  Then  you may have a conversation with a friend, a mentor or a coach and during that conversation the vision and inspired action becomes crystal clear.

It’s a lot like walking across a stream of water on stepping stones in a fog. We can only see directly in front of ourselves to see the next step.   For those of us who love to be in control this way of being can be not only frightening but downright terrifying.   It requires surrender without allowing the mind to be in control.
In a way, it calls for being “out of your mind”  and  not allowing the past to dictate what the future will hold.

Accessing that deep intuition is easy  - it’s our own internal guidance system.  It has three basic positions - 1. YES - deeply satisfying, nourishing,  2.  NOT SURE - maybe,  need more information,  unclear,  not YES, not NO and    3. NO WAY NO HOW - every part says absolutely not.  

Body sensation calibrates this GPS, and to really know what a YES feels like, we need to live there 60% of the time.   It requires a YES ratio  of 3:1.   Take a minute to identify times in your life that you’ve really felt the difference between YES, NOT SURE and NO.   What happened when you listened to it and what happened when you didn’t?     Now think of some decision you’ve been struggling with.  Staying centered in your body,  when you think of this how do you feel?   Is it a YES,  a not sure, or NO WAY? 

The feminine is not about tips, tricks and inside secrets.   It’s about creating from fullness who you are Being  rather than what you DO.   Who you are is creating what you are experiencing – let that be your expression of feminine leadership.  The world needs MORE women who are willing to walk powerfully, intuitively and live their feminine intention. 

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