Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Creating Intentional Joy

Let’s get on the right track today and talk about your everyday sources of positive thinking. It really is easy to start thinking in this manner. Pleasant thoughts are easily absorbed into your mind and make you feel better quickly.

The Mayo Clinic has actually done research on the results of positive thinking. By changing your mindset you can relieve depression, live a longer life, relieve stress and have the ability to fight any illness better.

Use the tips below to start thinking in a positive manner today:

Think nice thoughts – this is an easy step which so many people just don’t put into practice often enough. Aim to think pleasant thoughts about yourself and others several times a day.

Set Goals – it is great to set goals but they should be ones that are achievable and realistic. If your goal is out of reach you will give up and start treating it negatively instead of in a positive way.

Your Perspective – everyone faces challenges each and every day. You need to take all of this and put it into perspective. Learn how to deal with those small issues quickly and decide if they are worth bothering with at all. Don’t let small things get you down, instead focus on the larger issues and get them taken care of quickly.

Face Your Challenges – don’t let any challenge become a huge obstacle. It’s just like learning to ride a bike, you don’t give up, you learn how to master the challenge.

Be Grateful – this is a huge step in always being in a positive mind frame. Be grateful for all of the things you do have, don’t dwell on what you don’t or can’t have. This way when life gets in the way you can face the problem head on and resolve it.

If your health is suffering or you are feeling depressed and down it is time to take a good look at your life. Put things into perspective by being grateful for everything and everyone which you have around you.

Start off each morning by feeling grateful and feeling the positivity soak into your body.

It can help It can help to write down your daily goals along with a daily quote or affirmation and as a and then you can stay motivated and happy all day long.

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